In This Issue:
Clear Lake Conditions
August Fishing on Clear Lake
This Month's Newsletter
Dates in August
Last Month's Offer
Recent Fishing Gallery
Volume 1, Issue 10
August, 2007

Clear Lake Conditions

Lake level is at 3.0 feet, down a little over a foot again from July 1st. Water temperature is running in the high 70’s to low 80’s depending on the area of the lake and time of day. Water clarity remains amazing in some areas of the lake with as much as 8 feet of visibility, the norm being 2 to 3 feet.

The southern portions of the lake are beginning to see algae blooms that are staining the water color. This condition moves around based on the wind speeds, direction, and prevalent water temps.

Bass Fishing

August Fishing on Clear Lake

I am going to make this simple…just get here! Yesterday, we broke 30 pounds again with Mike Maul taking a pair of 8.5 pounders and a 5.5. As most of you know, I usually don’t fish but Mike wanted me too so…….I probably made 40 to 50 casts and added a 7 and a 7.5 to his limit of almost 37 pounds. All on topwater! Just seeing fish between 8 and 10 pushing each other around trying to get a bait is something I will probably never see again, or I might see it again tomorrow…

We have accounted for some very good big fish action in the past several weeks and see no reason for that to slow down this month.

There is really no change in the action and tactics for this month.

One thing that is important this month is taking care of yourself on the water. With temps in the upper 90’s to low 100’s it is critical to keep hydrated. One of the things I have done to take better care of myself is to constantly force clients to down liquids and while doing so, it reminds me to do the same. The normal requirement for myself are bottles of water alternated with a bottle of sports drink like a Gatorade or Powerade in between. Normal consumption should be at least a bottle per hour. The key here is to constantly pour the fluids down so you don’t get thirsty, once thirst sets in it is too late.

A client from the bay area, braved the heat last week and was surprised at how well he tolerated what turned out to be a day in the low 100’s. By following the constant drinking of fluids and wearing a large brimmed hat, he survived the day.

I think back to my youth and how I used to approach summer fishing with no sunglasses, no hat, drinking more beer than water, no lunch and it was a miracle I even survived some of those trips. I do remember getting home and being barely functional with headaches and not being able to do much more than put the boat away and go to the couch.

Bass Fishing

This Month's Newsletter

We have had such an awesome month that the remainder of this newsletter’s space is devoted to pictures of the fish that made the month. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as they did catching the fish in them.

Bass Fishing

Dates in August

There are still dates available, though none are weekends. August is going to be busy so think about your schedules and give me a call to experience some of the best topwater action of your life!

Bass Fishing

Last Month's Offer

Thank you to all who took advantage of last month’s lure deal. I was very pleased with the response and had several emails back to me about success on the water with the new baits. I will keep looking for unique offers that can be passed along as I find them.

bass fishing clear lake, California

Recent Fish Gallery

Is your picture attached? It could be….

Dowdy 9 lbMaul Second 8.5lbHaeg's Best
Denton 8lb and Downdy 9lbRoss 7lb
Maul fist 8.5lbFung 5 lbMcIntosh 7lb
Ross 7lbVanderWerff 9lbMatson 5lb and 7lb

bass fishing clear lake, California

Miss an Issue of the Clear Lake Report?

We have archived all of our past Clear Lake Report Issues on our Clear Lake Fishing Guide Service website! Go to our Clear Lake Fishing Report Index!

Bass FishingDon't be afraid to check out There is a lot of useful information available. Even insights into the best times to fish the lake and other fishing tips. Local lodging, weather, and even lake level reporting is available through the links we have set up.

Good fishing and I look forward to seeing you soon!

bass fishing clear lake, California
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Kelseyville, CA 95451
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